Thursday, March 7, 2013

Blackberry Compote and Cottage Cheese

I used to hate cottage cheese!! I always thought of it as a diet food, something you forced down your throat for the sake of weight loss. About 4 years ago, I realized I was wrong. I started eating whipped cottage cheese and then started expanding my horizons. Now I hearts it because it's so versatile and filling. The other day I was looking through the freezer and saw a bag if frozen blackberries we had bought from the farmers market over the summer. Now, I have some weird food "worries." For instance, I hate getting fruit on the bottom yogurt because I worry that there is too much sugar and preservatives in them. But I don't, for some reason, worry about the jam I bring home. Weird, I know!! Anyways , I had been wanting to try fruit and cottage cheese for awhile when I decided to go about making my own compote. This was the easiest thing to make and made me warm to the idea of "fruit on the bottom" anything.

All you need is fresh fruit, a pinch of salt, honey (I used agave nectar) and you bring all that to a boil. Then you mix 2 tbsp of water and 2tbsp of cornstarch together to thicken. Add that to the fruit until you have a nice thick compote.

This was the perfect amount of sweetness and made a great post workout breakfast with cottage cheese and some cereal:)

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